Cyanea sp
1. Place jellyfish in a tank.
Lateral view whole animal (Front).
Lateral view whole animal (Front RGB).
Close-up Front/Right Quadrant-Front or side.
Close-up Bell Margin (Front or Side).
Close-up of tentacle (Front or Side).
Close-up of Oral arms (Front or Side).
2. Lift up bell, oral arms to expose ends of manubrium.
Close-up of Manubrium / Mouth.
1. Subumbrella up, tentacles/oral arms out.
- Measure Bell Diameter: ______________
- Measure Bell Thickness:
- _______
- _______
- _______
Whole medusa (RGB with flash).
Whole medusa (Bottom Illum/ Full trans.
2. Move tentacles/oral arms from quadrant.
Close-up of Quadrant (Bottom Illum/ Full trans.
Picture of center (Bottom Illum/ B. Background.
Close-up of Velar Lappets (Bottom Illum/ Full trans).
Close-up of Rhopaliar Lappets (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Close-up Rhopalium (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Close-up of Rhopalium (Bottom Illum/ Full trans).)
Close-up of Coronal muscles (Bottom Illum/ Full trans) Picture 1.
Close-up of Coronal Muscles (Bottom illum/ Full trans) Picture 2.
Close-up of Radial Muscles (Bottom Illum/ B background).
Close-up of gonad (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Close-up of canals 2 quads (Bottom Illum/ Full trans) Picture 1.
Close-up of canals 2 quads (Bottom Illum/ Full trans) Picture 2.
Close-up of canals 2 quads (Bottom Illum/ Full trans) Picture 3.
Close-up of canals 2 quads (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
3. Move oral arms to top in a group (reveal oral pillars)
- Measure depth of oral pillar: ______________
- Measure Height of oral pillar: ______________
- Measure the wide of oral pillar: ______________
Close-up of oral arms/ terminal clubs (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Close-up of oral arms/ terminal clubs (Bottom Illum/ Full trans).
Close-up of a single oral arm (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Close-up of single oral arm (Bottom Illum/ Full trans).
4. Flip animal so exumbrella face up.
Close-up of Exumbrella Quadrant (Bottom Illum/ B. background).
Whole animal Exumbrella (Bottom Illum/ Full trans).
5. Count the tentacles of the first quadrant: ______________