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Order Coronatae Vanhoffen 1892

Based largely on Kramp (1961) and Mianzan & Cornelius (1999) Collections: M = morphology; D = DNA; Type = *

Family (6) Genus (12) Species (47) Image Collections
Atollidae Bigelow 1913 Atolla Haeckel 1880 chuni Vanhoffen 1902
gigantea Mass 1897
parva Russell 1958
russelli Repelin 1962
vanhoeffeni Russell 1957
wyvillei Haeckel 1880 *
Atorellidae Vanhoffen 1902 Atorella Vanhoffen 1902 arcturi Bigelow 1928
japonica Kawaguti & Matsuno 1981
octogonos Mills, Larson & Youngbluth 1987
subglobosa Vanhoffen 1902
vanhoeffeni Bigelow 1909
Linuchidae Haechel 1879 Linantha Haechel 1880 lunulata Haeckel 1880 *
Linuche Eschscholtz 1829 aquila Haeckel 1880
draco (Haeckel 1880)
unguiculata (Swartz 1788)* Palau (D, M)
Nausithoidae Bigelow 1913 Nausithoe Kolliker 1853 albatrossi (Maas 1897)
atlantica Broch 1914
aurea Silveira & Morandini 1997
challengeri (Haeckel 1880)
clausi Vanhoffen 1892
eumedusoides (Werner 1974)
globifera Broch 1914
hagenbecki Jarms 2001
limpida Hartlaub 1909
maculata Jarms 1990
marginata Kolliker 1853
picta Agassiz & Mayer 1902
planulophora (Werner 1971)
punctata Kolliker 1853 * Palau (D, M)
racemosa (Komai 1936) New Guinea (D, M; Palau (D, M)
rubra Vanhoffen 1902
thieli Jarms 1990
Palephyra Haeckel 1880 antiqua Haeckel 1880*
indica Vanhoffen 1902
pelagica (Haeckel 1880)
Thecoscyphus Werner 1984 zibrowii Werner 1984*
Paraphyllinidae Maas 1903 Paraphyllina Maas 1903 intermedia Maas 1903*
ransoni Russell 1956
rubra Neppi 1915
Periphyllidae Haeckel Nauphantopsis Fewkes 1885 diomedeae Fewkes 1885*
Pericolpa Haeckel 1880 campana (Haeckel 1880)
quadrigata Haeckel 1880*
tetrealina Haeckel 1880
Periphylla Haeckel 1880 periphylla (Peron & Lesueur 1810*) Malvinas (D); Norway (D)
Periphyllopsis Vanhoffen 1900 braueri Vanhoffen 1900*
galatheae Kramp 1959

Compiled by M.N. Dawson, G. Jarms, and A. C. Morandini.