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- Order Semaeostomeae L. Agassiz 1862
- Characteristics of the Order (from Kramp 1961)
Scyphomedusae with umbrella margin cleft into lappets; without a coronal furrow and without pedalia; with (or without) hollow marginal tentacles and with marginal rhopalia; with a single central mouth opening provided with four large curtain-like or gelatinous lips; with gonads in sac-like folds of the endodermal wall of the subumbrella.
Semaeostomeae Species
Based largely on Kramp (1961), Mianzan & Cornelius (1999)
Collections: M = morphology, D = DNA, Type = *
Family (3)
- Genus (19)
- Species (63)
- Species (63)
Cyaneidae L. Agassiz 1862
- Cyanea Péron & Lesueur 1810
- annasethe (Haeckel 1880) - Tasmania (D,M), Victoria (D,M)
- annaskala von Lendenfeld 1884
- buitendijki Stiasny 1919
- capillata (Linné 1758) * - Alaska (D), Norway (D)
- citrea (Kishinouye 1910)
- ferruginea Eschscholtz 1829
- fulva L. Agassiz 1862
- lamarcki Péron & Lesueur 1810
- mjöbergi Stiasny 1921
- muellerianthe Haacke 1887
- nozakii Kishinouye 1891
- postelsi Brandt 1838
- purpurea Kishinouye 1910
- rosea Quoy & Gaimard 1824 - New South Wales(D,M)
- Desmonema L. Agassiz 1862
- chierchianum Vanhöffen 1888
- comatum Larson 1986
- gaudichaudi (Lesson 1832) *
- glaciale Larson 1986
- Drymonema Haeckel 1880
- dalmatinum Haeckel 1880 *
- gorgo F. Müller 1883
Pelagiidae Gegenbaur 1856
- Chrysaora Péron & Lesueur 1810
- achlyos Martin, Gershwin, Burnett, Cargo & Bloom 1997
- africana (Vanhöffen 1902)
- blossevillei Lesson 1830
- colorata (Russell 1964)
- depressa (Kishinouye 1902)
- fulgida (Reynaud 1830)
- fuscescens Brandt 1835
- helvola Brandt 1838
- hysoscella (Linné 1766) *
- lactea Eschscholtz 1829
- melanaster Brandt 1838
- pacifica (Goette 1886)
- plocamia (Lesson 1832)
- quinquecirrha (Desor 1848)
- Pelagia Péron & Lesueur 1810
- noctiluca (Forskål 1775) *
- Sanderia Goette 1886
- malayensis Goette 1886
More Pelagia images here. |
Ulmaridae Haeckel 1879
- Aurelia Péron & Lesueur 1810
- aurita (Linné 1758) * - N. Europe (D), NE USA (D)
- coerulea von Lendenfeld 1884
- colpota Brandt 1838
- labiata Chamisso & Eysenhardt 1821
- limbata (Brandt 1835) - molecular "LIM"
- maldivensis Bigelow 1904
- solida Browne 1905
- sp. 1 (morphological, molecular) - California (D), France (D), Japan (D), New South Wales (D), Perth (D)
- sp. 2 (molecular)
- sp. 3 (morphological, molecular)
- sp. 4 (morphological, molecular)
- sp. 5 (molecular)
- sp. 6 (morphological, molecular)
- sp. 7 (molecular)
- sp. 8 (molecular)
- sp. 9 (molecular)
- sp. 10 (molecular) cf. limbata
- sp. 11 (molecular)
- Aurosa Haeckel 1880
- furcata Haeckel 1880 *
- Deepstaria Russell 1967
- enigmatica Russell 1967 *
- reticulum Larson, Madin & Harbison, 1988
- Discomedusa Claus 1877
- Lobata Claus 1877 *
- philippina Mayer 1910
- sp. Moore 1949
- Diplulmaris Maas 1908
- antarctica Maas 1908 *
- malayensis Stiasny 1935
- Floresca Haeckel 1880
- parthenia Haeckel 1880 *
- Parumbrosa Kishinouye 1910
- polylobata Kishinouye 1910 *
- Phacellophora Brandt 1835
- camtschatica Brandt 1838 *
- Poralia Vanhöffen 1902
- rufescens Vanhöffen 1902 *
- Stellamedusa Raskoff and Matsumoto 2004
- ventana Raskoff and Matsumoto 2004 *
- Sthenonia Eschscholtz 1829
- albida Eschscholtz 1829 *
- Stygiomedusa Russell 1959
- Gigantea (Browne 1910) *
- Tiburonia Matsumoto, Raskoff and Lindsay 2003
- granrojo Matsumoto, Raskoff and Lindsay 2003 *
- Ulmaris Haeckel 1880
- prototypus Haeckel 1880 *
- snelliusi Stiasny 1935 - Please see Zoo Bank [1] for more information.
More Stellamedusa images here. See also MBARI S. ventana for more information. |
Photographs courtesy of Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute |
Compiled by M.N Dawson, G. Jarms, A.C. Morandini, F. Pagès. Update pending.